
Monday, November 19, 2012

It was me.....15 years ago....

So today, I'm driving home from Target and I'm going about 59mph in a 45mph zone on a Local highway.......Now I'm in the F-150 4x4 that my husband is overly proud of and I'm just cruising along when I notice this little silver Camry come up on my behind....So I'm evaluating the situation from my rear view mirror and I take it all in: giant sunglasses, white fuzzy zebra dice hanging from the mirror, chomping gum, bouncing head to the music, PINK zebra seat covers both in front & back seats.......I'm guessing she's 17.

So after about 1 mile and an even closer proximity to the point where I can no longer see the hood of her car in my mirror, I do what any typical A-hole with a tailgater does...I tap my brakes....Now this was just a small warning, I by no means slammed on them, stayed on them or anything of the sort.... The following chain of events is still cracking me up 6 hours later......she SLAMS on her brakes, causing the car behind her to slam on theirs and on their horn. She lets go of the wheel and gives me the double bird through the windshield and I see her mouthing a ton of foul language which includes something to the effect of "learn how to drive stupid bitch".............

So she backs off and I continue on my way home. As we're driving the long winding way from Valparaiso to Hebron, she inches closer and closer and closer all the while chomping and singing.....and the things that run through my head are....I should get behind her and follow her home and speak with her parents....I should slam hard on the brakes, let her hit me and teach her a lesson, I should slow down in a NO passing zone to like 5mph and make her ride it out behind me..... but she turns off on a side road and floors it and is gone...

I then thought....that was me, I know EXACTLY what the panic/adrenaline felt like when she saw my brake lights light up at 59mph, because, I was her! I was the teenager driving too fast, carelessly, and having teenager road rage at the "old" people in front of me......Ah how times have changed...Now I'm a mother of 2, driving a large pickup truck and worried about people driving too fast and the safety of my own babies overrides any impulsive maneuver that could endanger them or myself.  Which then of course brought on a memory of being approximately 6 or 7 and my dad pissed someone off when we were driving and that person followed us home and we had to outrun them, hide and then pull in our garage and shut the door fast to avoid confrontation....I remember being scared that they were going to hurt my dad for being mean to them!! Then, some 20+ years later he did something similar again and got in an accident as a result WITH A SEMI......I guess it's a good thing I didn't inherit every trait my dad has! I calmly let her go home, because guess what...she will learn, whether it's NOW or later..... ;)

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